vinay aderat

Current Research Works

Automatically finding number of clusters in a mixture of Gaussians.This is an extension of the Expectation Maximization Algorithm incorporating schwarz information criterion.A paper written on this subject has been accepted by the International Conference on Machine Learning and Computing 2010 (ICMLC 2010) for publication.More details can be found on Ujjwal's page :

Detecting the Number of Clusters During Expectation-Maximization (ICMLC 2010) by ambatvinay

An extension of this paper has been accepted for publication in the International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering.

Parameter Selection for EM clustering using Information Criterion and PDDP (IJCTE 2010) by ambatvinay

Comparing the Stock Android ROM with Rooted Custom Android ROMs by ambatvinay

A Web based image similarity search which uses image fingerprints for matching.Fingerprints are generated using wavelet transform.A link to the working sample would be put up soon.A paper on its working has been submitted to the National Conference on communications(NCC 2010)-Pending Approval.

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